At the hospital
I have a 3 wk old and I still haven't posted anything. I wrote out a big long "birth story," but I stink at writing, so I'll summarize for you. You don't really want the details, just the pics, right? :)
-I was induced on Aug 5th
-Already dilated 4 cm, was at my 37 and 38 wk appts
-Started pitocin at 6:30am
-Broke my water at 8:30am, was dilated to 5cm
-Decided I had to have the epidural, it was in by 9:30am, was 6cm
-At 11am, I was just a little shy of fully dilated, (9 3/4? lol), nurse went to help deliver another baby.
-Started pushing at 12, Dr almost didn't make it in time.
-At 1:10pm, Amelia was born
-7lbs, 13 oz, 20 1/4 inches
-She scored 8 and 9 on her apgars
-Lots of dark hair
Overall, labor and delivery was a pretty good experience. I didn't know what to expect, but truthfully, the whole process seemed, well easy. I dont know any better way to explain it than that. Before I laid back down from getting the epidural, I was already smiling again. In between pushing and contractions, Ben and I were joking with the nurse. I was saying how I was ready for lunch and we were all telling stories. Granted, yes it was a workout giving birth, but easier than I expected. Guess I watched too many episodes of those baby shows on TV, where people are in labor for hours and hours.
My recovery wasn't too bad. I was a little sore but didn't end up taking any of the pain meds afterwards. This shocked my OB. She checked on me the next day and called me "One tough momma." :)
I've lost 20lbs since then. I figure I'll gain some of that back. I won't be too upset if I don't. I'm surprisingly ok with my post baby body. Yeah its different but thats ok.
Call me weird but I actually have more self confidence after giving birth. I dont know why, and I'm probably strange, or its the hormones. I doubted if I'd actually be able to do it all, the pushing, dealing with the pain. Yeah, I had the epidural, which I was terrified to get, but it didn't take all the pain away. I had one spot where I could feel every contraction and it sucked, but I did know when to push. I guess, I'm kind of proud of myself. I'd totally do it all over again, preferably not for a long time though. :)
Another post, another time about life at home with a newborn and all that has happened.