Saturday, July 26, 2008

interesting finds...

I'm too tired to really re-live last week and it seems so long ago, so I'm not gonna make you endure that either. You'll thank me, seeing as how I'm not a great writer anyway. I'll sum up the trip to Dallas, since that was the most exciting part of my week. Flight went well, and if you know my short crappy history with flying thats a good thing. I think Murphy's Law, "if anything can go wrong, it will," totally applies to me with flying. My first experience involved 6 delays, running across DFW to catch a connecting flight in about 15 mins, 3 cancellations, and an extra overnight stay. So this time, no connecting flight. YAY! I even checked my bag, so there was my chance for something to go wrong. Everything flying and bag wise went great! My bag even beat me home! The bad part was driving, well directions. Get my rental car. Miss my first turn after getting out of the rental place, so I have to turn around. That was just the beginning of the turning around. I had no navigational system, so I relied on my printed google directions. These were wrong! I made it to everywhere I needed to go, it would've just helped if the people in my company would have told me to go to the right place before I went to the wrong place. Being lost in a big city is not fun! I made it though, went to where I was supposed to go, pretty much wasn't needed. I totally felt like a therapist or something. The tech new how to do everything,she had even scanned patients before I got there. I was just there to hear her vent. Which really after my driving around lost fiasco, was fine with me. I didn't have to teach, I just listened. (In my defense, TX road systems and on and off ramps and stuff are very strange. Arkansas isn't bad once you try theirs out!)

Enough of that, I have to show off what I bought on thursday! I saw this Cupcake Courier on Craftzine a long time ago and always wanted one. We went in this store in Memphis, called Swoozie's and they had them for sale! They were also cheaper than they sell them on the website, so I snagged one up! They're completely sold out online. Now I've gotta bake some cupcakes and take somewhere!

Guess what crocs makes now?? *drum roll please* These

Personally, I think high-heeled crocs are wrong! Maybe they're comfy, who knows? They say this about them:

it’s true! the first crocs™ high heel. fashion fused with comfort for the ultimate summer style

• incredible 3 inch heel designed with the classic comfort of croslite™ material
• spices up any fashionista’s wardrobe
• lightweight and easy to bring along
• footbed conforms to foot creating custom fit
• circulation nubs stimulate blood flow

Oh and they come in various color selections so you can get a pair for every outfit! Only $49.99. What will they come up with next!?!?

*Update* I found another pair of crocs with 3 in heels. These are about $10 cheaper and come with more color selections than the previous pair but still have the added comfort and 3 in heel.

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