Monday, November 10, 2008

Mondays suck

Celine Dion concert has been postponed.

I'll elaborate now. Yesterday was one of those mondays where I should've stayed in bed. Started off with me not being able to find my glasses before I left for work. I can totally see without them but I knew I'd have a headache before the day was over. Went to work, got behind from the beginning. I had gotten myself a doctors appt for after work and getting behind in the morning could ruin the rest of the day. Short story, I canceled my appt and will be going this morning. Sad thing is yesterday was so crazy that I can't remember what time she told me to be there. 9:15 or 9:50? So I'm showing up at 9:15 to be safe. I have nothing better to do.

In the middle of yesterdays chaos, I get a lovely email from Ticketmaster saying our concert has been postponed. ?!?!?!?! I have to call and hope that I can get a refund on my hotel room, otherwise I'd being going to St. Louis for the heck of it. Why let a room go to waste? The lady was awesome, knew why we were cancelling and I'm getting all my money back. YAY! The downside is that we don't know when they will potentially reschedule the concert. My tickets are still good and all, but I dont know if I'll be able to get off work. Crossing my fingers that it all works out. So now I'm off work til Friday. I tried to go in Wed but the person working for me really wants to work, which I can understand. We all need the money these days. I had to use some vacation time, which I would have done anyway, so I guess it all works out.

Now what to do for 3 days? Cleaning is an option, but who really wants to do that? I'm sure I'll find something to occupy my time.

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