Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's been a while, so long in fact, I had to go read my last post to see what even happened.
Lots of things, but then again, not really anything.

One of Ben's co-workers, Amy, made Lilly a Tutu. It's cute, she wasn't a big fan of it in the beginning, but eventually she started moving. It was quite funny to watch. It'll make a cute Halloween costume for sure! Amy makes tutu's for all ages, so if you want one hit her up on her blog. She also does I-Spy bags. These are really cool and make quiet activities for the little ones during church and different things.

I came home friday to a pretty little package from Bryn over at Newlywedisms by Bryn. She had a blog givaway to celebrate her blogaversary and I was one of the winners. My prize were these cute little marble magnets. They are super easy to make and really cute! If you saw me at Hobby Lobby yesterday, (you know who you are ;)) thats what I was getting. My only complaints are the magnets I bought, some of them are directional and I picked the wrong side!! I'll have to find some more! AND I might just have a blog giveaway for all my loyal (few) readers. :)

Thanksgiving will be here next week, I'm not excited. I'm not un-excited either, its just not my holiday. It marks my second anniversary at my job (yay for a raise!) but also some other things that happened on my first day of work. My grandpa had been sick on Thanksgiving and was brought into the hospital on my first day of work. He was the 2nd patient I ever did, or attempted. I had to leave, luckily there were two other people there to work that day as well. So the next two weeks or so were rough. I knew what the outcome was going to be and thought I was ok with it. I'm a keep it all in person, and I kept it all in, still some of it two years later. I took on the roll of the tough one for those two weeks because I felt I needed to for my grandma's sake. Even when I wanted to cry, others made me feel bad for it, like it wasn't acceptable to cry. I have alot of regrets that surround the whole situation which is why I think I can't let go and be okay with it all. Its something I'll have to get over. And I will, theres nothing I can do about it now.

This weekend has to be one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. I got to hang out with some great friends, play some new games and just have fun. No stress at all! The stress will come when I make that trip to the grocery store for Thanksgiving food. Ben and I discussed going really really late when all the crazies are gone. I know when we were out and about saturday it was nuts! I'm glad I like online shopping! :)

Pictures of things next...well tomrrow.

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