Thursday, November 6, 2008

no title...well i guess this is one...

I guess I techinically lied about the new blog layout. I had some code to make it into a three column layout but I haven't managed to figure it out yet. I probably won't either. So for now, you get what you've gotten.

Nothing exciting going on in my life this week. I got my haircut today. Its different. She took some length off and I have bangs. Not cut straight across bangs. Sweep to the side ones that aren't too short, just right in my opinion. Next time, I might get dangerous and get highlights! I love how everytime I go in, she talks about how healthy my hair is and that I need to damage it. Cracks me up!! So I told her that next time, I'm seriously considering damaging it. It'll be subtle though, nothing outrageous for my first time. Lindsey and I got her really good today. Shes expecting a baby in about a month, so we decided to get her a gift. We called her up after our appointment and told her we needed to come back in to get our hair magazines. Secretly, we just wanted to make sure she'd be there later in the day. So, we go to target, throw together a really cute baby gift basket and run back to our hair place. We walk in with the basket and all she says is "Here are your magazines." Then she sees the basket and we both tell her we don't care one bit about those magazines. I think she was really surprised. :)

I started my 101 things in 1001 days list. I dont know if anyone has heard of this but the link is here. Some of my blogs I read have started one and I figured why not try it. I have a list started, some of my things already finished, but I can't seem to get 101 yet. I'm gonna post it on here and use my blog to keep up with what I've done. That'll be coming soon.

Its 8:30p, I honestly could've gone to bed an hour ago. This time change has really really screwed me up. I do have to get up at 4am, so it'd probably be a good thing to go to bed now.

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