Sunday, November 2, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Thats pretty much my week in one word: busy! I'll give you somewhat of a re-cap.

Monday-Extremely slow day at work. Carrie Underwood concert was that night. It ended up being me, lindsey, courtney and kalia (my friends daughter) going. Didn't get to bed til about 11 (i think) that night.

Tuesday-Got up at 4:30a for a two hr drive to work. The whole day of worked was horrible. Not because of lack of sleep, although that didn't help, but just the situations and patients and crap. I didn't get lunch til 4pm that day. I'm not sure why I really bothered that late but given I had had no breakfast, I figured it would be a good thing.

Wednesday-work again. I dont really remember wednesday to be honest with you. Its a blur.

Thursday-I worked again. Had to get up at 4:30 again. Another incredibly long day. I only got lunch because the dept secretary offered to grab something from the cafeteria for me. Thank goodnesss for her. I didn't get home that night til almost 8pm! (yes, I signed up for this job, but somedays I'm allowed to hate it and complain about it) :)

Friday-my day off. Should've been a day to rest but I had lots of things to do for Halloween. Also lindsey came over and we ordered t-shirts for the Celine concert. :) They're cute and I will of course have pics of them as soon as they're done. Had the halloween party that night. Pics at some point of course. Got to bed at midnight.

Saturday-woke up at 6 to go to work. I hate working saturdays. After work we baked cookies. Millions of them. Next week is Radiologic Technologist Week. Instead of mass ordering something for all of clients for work, my boss had the idea to do homemade stuff. So Ben, Lindsey and I baked saturday. I think Lindsey left at like 10 pm. So it was a very busy day.

So all in all I've been crazy busy...waiting for that day I can sleep in later than 6 am.

In attempts at making a baby news, this week we found out that our problem is not a problem anymore. Which is great but I also feel like we're back at square one. We had a "plan" or idea of where to go from here, now its back to "Well they should have no problem getting pregnant on their own, so whats up?" Which makes this whole thing frustrating. I actually chose this time not to talk to anyone about it, well other than my mom, because I'm just exhausted with thinking and talking about it. I dont really do much of either but along with my crappy weeks at work, I dont feel like re-living the information with each of the people I talk to it about. Atleast not this week. Next week I may feel like talking about it, but this week I dont. I feel like internalizing it all and getting it out later. I have no time to get it out and deal with it anyway. I'm tired of the "just be patient" and "relax, dont think about it" answers. I know all of these things, really I do. I've been patient and I dont honestly think about it as much as it may come across here. (unsure of how it even comes across) I think about it when we get a new information (good or bad) and that is when I dwell, then I get over it. I'm trying to tell myself that its just not our time to have kids yet, we're not ready and God has other plans for us. I guess maybe I should ask people to be patient with me, when I want to talk about it I will, and if I dont, don't take it personally. Its me and I will when I want to and when I need to.

Its just been a rough week, I need lots of sleep and I'll be better. Pictures soon and a new layout!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Infertility SUCKS. I have no clue how bad, but I know how hard it is to watch friends go through it. Especially people who you think would make awesome parents, while people who should be kicked out of the gene pool keep having more. You are in my thoughts and prayers (because you are in the awesome parents group not the kicked out of the gene pool one).