Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sushi, Make-up, Hot Chocolate, and Friends

Thats my day in a nutshell. I'll elaborate though because sushi and hot chocolate don't really go together.

Lindsey, Courtney and I all went out to lunch today. We ended up having Fuji's. If you've never been there go, its awesome!! Lindsey decided to order the spicy tuna roll. I've never had sushi, nor did I really ever have intentions of eating any, but I did. AND I actually liked it. I'm not a big spicy fan but it was good. No bad nasty fishy taste about it. Texture wasn't even bad. So I can now say I've eaten sushi, didn't hate it. I'm not so sure I'd just up and order it as a meal but I'm not ruling it out as something I'd never eat again. If you know me, thats huge! I mean huge! I'm that person that doesn't like lettuce. Yes, I'm weird, but I think the stuff is yucky. I'll eat it occasionally, but I'm not the order a salad person. I even said this today. "I actually liked the sushi better than lettuce." Lindsey has it recorded as proof. LOL!

We also did some shopping. I've been wanting to get the Bare Minerals makeup thanks to recommendations from Linds and Court. So I technically bought my Christmas present today. So far I really like it, but what I have on is what the lady put on me. I'll try it myself tomorrow.

We went to Cafe Buono. The lady who made my hot chocolate did an AWESOME job!! I have to say thats some of the best I've ever had. The strawberry cake with strawberry icing was wonderful as well!!

It was a pretty great day minus the lovely rain. I'm ready for Christmas stuff. I've been scouting out a few things and then thinking how I could DIY them for so much cheaper. :)

This is random but I learned that there is a word I don't like. Teat. Earlier Ben and I were watching "How it's made" on Discovery and they were showing how cows are milked. The commentator kept saying that word. I dont like it. I told Ben it sounded like a bad word. I just had to share. :)


Stephanie Anderson said...

OOOOOooooo, spicy tuna roll is my FAVE. I actually figured out a few years ago that raw tuna has very little fishy taste at all. In fact, the cooked portions of seared tuna tastes fishy but the raw portions taste just like very tender steak, to me. Rob and I had "no name roll" at Fugi the other night and really liked it, too. I've gotten to where I just crave Fuji just for the rolls. I'm glad you tried it. I like to find new foods (like I need any new ones in my repetoire)!


Stephanie Anderson said...

BTW, I've been wanting to try Bare Minerals. I've used the Mary Kay version, but I'm tired of it. Where did you get yours?

Leah said...

I got the makeup at Jagged Edge salon on Southwest Drive. The girl there basically did my makeup to figure out my shade and I bought the starter kit. It included 3 brushes, two foundations, mineral veil (I'm assuming like powder w/normal makeup), warmth all-over face color, moisturizer and a how-to DVD. I also bought the concealer, called bisque which was separate.