Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yes, I lost 3 lbs in my first week of weight watchers! I was actually suprised that it was that much. I kept up with my point allowances and logged in all my foods. I think I only went over 1 or 2 days last week. I only worked out 1 day, so I figured I might lose maybe a pound. But 3? WOW! I know that I may not lose that many this week, but progress is exciting and making this feel worth my time...and money.

Sorry for lack of blogging. I was kinda busy last week. We finally got our dining room table in. I only ordered it 2 months ago! That makes the house feel complete. We dont have to sit on the couch anymore to eat supper. The only thing we are missing are some pictures on the wall. I like decorating, but I'm also incredibly indecisive and dont like to commit to one thing. So it can wait.

I cancelled my nerve test that was tomorrow. My insurance won't pay for it because I haven't met my deductable yet and the office won't do payment plans, so I'll wait. My arm was mysteriously feeling better too. You know you schedule the appointment and by the time it rolls around, the pain or ache has gone away. Then it comes back after you've either gone for the appt or canncelled it. I hate that. I'll probably eventually have the test, I'll just have it elsewhere.

I was quite proud of myself this weekend. I made a trip to Little Rock with a friend for a concert. I'm not incredibly comfortable driving in big cities with all the traffic and crazy on and off ramps. I'm not experienced enough with that kind of driving and it makes me nervous. I think I actually did a pretty good job getting around. I had directions but I kinda went with memories of being around the places to get me in and out. It makes me feel grown up to drive in the towns. I know I sound stupid, but really I usually let other people drive because I'm too scared.

I hope all the mothers out there had a great mothers day! Mine was ok. I was told I'm a "mother" to my furry kids. I guess so.

Enough for now, more blog to come later!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow - thanks for the BlogRoll nod!