Friday, May 30, 2008

Maybe I should drink the water...

Around here people always joke that if you want to get pregnant, drink the water. Apparently I haven't had any of our icky water. We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year now. Well I'm not really sure how long due to the fact that I went two months without a period, then another two months and then 4!! This was all early last year. So i guess techinically it has been a year. It's getting to the point where I'm getting very frustrated and also a tad bit worried. I'm trying not to obsess over it. I know some things take time. There are those lucky people where their husbands can just look at them and they're pregnant. I'm not fertile myrtle,I guess.

I think what really bothers me is that I feel like its the right time. We have been together for what seems like forever (I love you honey!) Not really forever, but you get what I mean. We have good jobs, we bought a house. It just feels like the right time. I almost feel stuck. Everyone I know is either getting engaged, married, or having a kid. I feel like i'm stuck out in whatever land with nothing.

I have caught myself almost feeling upset that someone is pregnant before me...or again already. I truly am happy for them that they are expecting but I also am jealous that I'm not. A friend asked me if we would adopt if we couldn't have kids of our own. I supposed we would, I haven't really thought that far into things.

I try to remind myself that it will happen when it happens. or I'll go see my doctor. Thats due here pretty soon, so I guess we will be talking options/things to try. I was very impressed with my doctor last time I went. It was the first time I had even went there and she seemed very proactive. Almost too proactive for me then.

I'm ready. so ready and scared that it might not happen.

Not trying to be a downer here, just venting something I've been feeling for a long time.

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