Friday, June 6, 2008


I have lost 7 lbs since I started weight watchers! I was pretty excited when I stepped on the scale last sunday and saw it was 3lbs less than the previous sunday. So I guess my next goal is 10 and then who knows from there. I'm just excited its working. Some people have told me they can tell, personally I can't tell at all. There are a few shirts that might seem a little big, but they seemed big before too.

I discovered grilled corn on the cob this week. It was soooo good!! I've been on a grilling kick lately. Grilled Chicken, hot dogs. Not so much into beef lately. We got some corn at Kroger earlier this week and threw it on the grill. I have to say that was the best corn on the cob I think I've ever had!!

Since my camera is fixed now, I took pictures. Yes I did. I'm a picture freak and I'm even going to post them here on my blog for you to enjoy.

On a side note, I went shopping and got my hair cut w/a friend yesterday. EVERY person we saw was either pregnant or had a newborn. How much torture is that?!? The funny thing is I've kinda grown numb to it all and ignore it, but my friend was like how do you deal with this? It bugged her and she doesn't even want to have kids just yet. I told her I just have hope that I'll eventually have one of my own. Is there a water fountain somewhere I need to drink out of? hehe

Pictures in the next post.

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