Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cheaper than therapy

Monday night, all my moodiness, emotional-ness and stress brought on my emotional breakdown. It was probably the crapiest and one of the best nights I've had in a while, if that makes any sense. Sometimes things just get so stressful and things that crying makes me feel better. Thats like the only out to make me feel better. (I know I'm not alone in this, I know other people like that) The bad part was that my crying came on for no reason and at the wrong person. But out of the whole ordeal, where at one point I thought I had pushed away one of my great friends, I got to finally vent what had really been bothering me lately and I felt a ton better.

I've always had issues being honest with people. I'm a very truthful, follow the rules person but when it comes to telling someone something that could possibly hurt their feelings or change how they feel about me, I get scared. I'm totally a people pleaser. I'd like to say I've grown a back bone the last few years, and for a while I was doing pretty good. The last few weeks I felt like I reverted back to the old Leah. I have to quit second guessing myself, quit over analyzing and just be me. Who cares what everyone else thinks. I think I'm back to my old self.

I talked to two friends Monday night. One unforunately got to see the very emotional me, something I dont think shes seen before. I've been sleeping better, which helps alot!! Lets hope this lasts!!

I think that blogging also helps me. Its like therapy only cheaper!

Note to self and everyone: I shouldn't blog when very sleepy, things dont make sense. :) Thats my disclaimer.


Stephanie Anderson said...

Blogging does help. And for me, so does reading other blogs. It puts things into perspective for me. I don't know if you read Bring the Rain (Angie Smith), but she has some fabulous words for healing and strength. Some of her posts have me thinking for days.... She's relavent to so many.


Stephanie Anderson said...

I love your wallpaper stuff. How did you do that?
