Friday, August 1, 2008


I'm finding out that its kinda hard to type with a wrist brace on, but my wrist hurts so I must. My wrist has really really been bothering me lately. Between not being able to pick things up to the tingly numbing feeling, I decided it was time to do something. I have my nerve test scheduled for Aug 25th. I can't say I'm one bit excited about it. I've heard it really really hurts. If anyone knows different or has any information about it, I'd really appreciate it! I assume after I have the test and get the results back I will get to see a different doctor and will potentially have surgery. I could be totally wrong about this but I have a good (well bad)feeling that I'm not. Anyone ever had carpal tunnel? or the surgery for it? I'm not one bit excited about surgery. Thats more unknown territory for me and I dont like unknown territory. I'll just take it one step at a time.

This last weekend we got to go to a Rebirds game for free! Ben's work reserved a room for everyone. We got food catered and covered seating (awesome because it rained!) I got to meet some people he worked with, as well as his bosses/owners. Everyone was nice, it just kinda reminded me of high school, where everyone went off in their own little groups and such. That kind of annoyed me, but this was all free, who really cares. We got two foul balls too.

We also tried two new restuarants. The first one was Godsey's Grill. The food was pretty good and dessert was yummy too! We also tried Brickhouse Grill. It's not really a new place, we'd just never been there. We're going back to Brickhouse tomorrow for my birthday. I'm excited,I think. I'm just tired.

OH-Thanks for the suggestions on purse places. I did go look at TJMaxx. Nothing really jumped out at me and said "Buy me." I'm still on the lookout though.


Anonymous said...

Happy Bday!
Thought I'de leave u another birthday comment, but on ur blog. My sis's family went to the same Redbirds game. On myspace I have pics of them there. I don't know much about carpal tunnel, but u might could look up info on WebMD. I hope ur wrists heels quickly!

Kristi said...

Here's some unsolicited advice, not sure if you've tried it or not, but sometimes you can alleviate carpal tunnel symptoms with some stretching exercises. If it's not severe, the exercises will sometimes prevent the need for surgery, at least for awhile. IMO, the longer you can wait for surgery the better because (sorry to be a downer) sometimes CTS symptoms return even after surgery. If you'd like to try some exercises, I can e-mail you some pictures. You can either comment on my blog or Steph can give you my e-mail address if you want it. Hope you have a Happy B-day and I hope you start feeling better soon,