Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Got my new phone yesterday. So far, so good! I've just got to send back the old one and hopefully I won't have to deal with that again.

I also got some clothes I'd ordered from Old Navy. YAY for new clothes! Last night we went by Old Navy because I thought just for kicks I'd go try on a smaller size of jeans. The ones I have now feel really baggy and tend to start falling off. I think I got hopeful a little to quick because the smaller size ones didn't quite work. They did zip and button but I dont think I'd wear them out in public unless I had a long and baggy t-shirt on. So I put them back, which is fine. I'm not depressed over it or anything. I was really happy for a moment though. I took a pair of the smaller size and a pair of my normal size in the dressing room. (I grabbed my normal size because there was only one pair and I didn't want to lose that pair if I needed them) So I try on the jeans, I'm thinking these are the smaller ones. They FIT! YAY! I'm doing a little happy dance. So I get ready to leave, look at the other pair so I can put them back and the other pair is the smaller size. So I was all happy that I fit in the size I normally wear instead of the smaller ones. I think that was confusing, but I'm not telling my size, sorry. :P

The whole clothes shopping thing is due to our vacation. Good excuse for some new stuff. Today I got together mostly what I'm gonna wear, so I'll know if I need to get anything else or what to wash before we go. And so I won't wear it between now and then, since I only really have one day to get it all together before we leave. I SO wish our plane wasn't leaving at 6 am! I have to work the day before. Historically the day before my vacations have sucked at work, so I'm preparing for the worst. 9 more days!! YAY! I just have to make sure my bag is under 50 lbs (shouldn't be a problem) and that my carry-ons will work as well. Don't want any snags in security at 5 am. I'm hoping none of these weather systems will affect our trip. If they do, I think we'll still have a good time sitting on the porch, looking at the ocean. As long as we get there, I'll be happy. If it wasn't so expensive, I would move there in a heartbeat.

Tomorrow, I go to the doctor and I'm getting my haircut. Getting my eyebrows taken care of too, before they take over my face.. lol

I'm totally rambling, sorry!

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