Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok finally I've got all the vacation pictures ready for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!

First set of pictures if from 9/7/08. We got up and watched the sunrise over the ocean. It was pretty even though a tad bit cloudy. We found a few interesting things washed up on the beach. You'll see the horseshoe crab and the fishermans knife in some of the pics.

These pictures are from our horse tour we took. You'll see the big sea turtle we saw washed up. It was really sad. No telling how old it was. The bird you see standing with its wings out was drying itself off. The guide told us that if it didn't, then it would drown. Also, I included the Carova post office, yes its only PO boxes.The buildings are old livesaving stations and the lookout tower.

These were taken at Jockey's Ridge State Park. It's basically at really large sand dune, well many of them. From the top of the dunes you can see the ocean and the sound. Many people come out to fly kites, hang glide, roll down the dunes and some people even bring old boogie boards to "surf" on the sand. It was a neat place to go and check everything out. The only thing that irritates me about these pictures are the two spots that were on my sensor. I guess I'll have to photshop those out.

Posts to come:
Lindsey's Birthday Surprise and Fair Fun

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