Wednesday, September 17, 2008


You know how you think of that one person to go to when you really need to talk? The people, be it a friend, mother, father, etc that always has the right thing to say to cheer you up or help you get over something?

I discovered that right now, none of those people have said the right things. Or they haven't said what I want to hear. I know its because they probably don't know what to say, but I'd almost wish some didn't say anything at all. I feel stupid and selfish for saying what I've said or for even going to them to let out my feelings. I feel guilty for feeling the way I do. And then I feel guilty for feeling guilty. I guess really all I've got is my husband to lean on and to talk to, since we're the only ones who can comfort each other. I also have all the other people going through this to lean on for support and encouragement, but they're just random people. Not someone I can call up or hang out with, they're just words on a screen from a message board.

I've never felt more alone. I really really want to talk about it but feel like there is no one that wants to hear it. I've always been the listener, now I need one. And then sometimes I dont want to talk about it, for all the reasons listed above. Emotional rollercoasters suck and I think I'm on for the long ride.

Guess I should just let it go or bottle it up, I'm good at doing that. Although, in the end, nothing good comes out of it. Maybe they have a support group at church, they have one for everything else. I eventually will blog in detail about what this is, because in the end, this will be my outlet probably. I'm just not ready to tell the whole world. It's nothing I should be ashamed of, I just have to decide how much to want to tell the world.

yes that was random, but I feel better, sorta. BTW, In no way am I saying that anyone I have vented to hasn't listened...I just have bad days, or afternoons. Today was one.


Stephanie Anderson said...

If you already got this comment, don't publish it. My internet went down just as I left it so I don't know if it went.... anywho...

When Reese died, people often said things like "Well now she's with God" or "At least you can have another". I just wanted to scream, "But I want HER and I want her HERE!" It's hard for people to relate unless they are in the exact same situation at the time.

I'm sorry you are struggling. Just keep letting Ben listen and keep leaning on God, and if you EVER feel compelled to talk, message me on myspace or email me. I can't promise that I will say the right thing, but I promise to listen.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! I know that you probably thought that I had forgot all about your blog, but nope Im still here reading! Know that I am here if you ever need to talk, I kinda think I have an idea of what your needing to vent about but then again not sure. Im not promising that I will say what you are needing to hear, but I seem to be a good listener most of the time, and I know that you need someone to repay the favor cause you def. are the best listener!! Im here anytime girl!!