Thursday, October 16, 2008

How many posts can I do in one day?

An update, with words, no pictures.

Nothing really going on that I think is exciting. Yesterday, work was awful!! I hate the days at work where I feel like I wasn't properly trained to do my job and that nothing will go right. I thought for sure I was gonna get yelled at by someone, the radiologist, my boss. But no, I didn't, which was fine because I give myself enough grief over my mistakes, don't need it from others. I think it helped that I admitted what went wrong/didn't work out right, instead of going on like nothing happened. I'll get Monday to fix that mistake. It didn't help that I'm sick. I couldn't sleep the night before, so I took some sinus meds that hadn't worn off by the time I got to work. I still haven't figured out why childrens meds make me so loopy. I avoid the adult stuff, its worse. If Lindsey hadn't been there with me, it wouldn't have been pretty. Between people telling me they had heard our machine wasn't very good, to wanting to go to the next closest hospital which everyone thinks is the bombdigady (yes, it has its perks I will admit) I was ready to go off on someone. I kept my cool, but it was still very irritating. Clock out time was exciting yesterday, thats for sure!!

We had our first RE appt. It went well, had some tests, got scheduled for some other tests and will be back in several weeks to go over what those tests showed. My upcoming test is one I'm not looking forward to at all. Its quick but not painless. I got to observe many of them as an x-ray student and always said I never wanted one. It's just something I will have to deal with though. I'm glad we had our first appt, it means the ball is rolling. It also means some priorities are getting switched around. Money is a big issue due to the fact that insurance pays for no fertility anything. So buying halloween costumes this year is out of the question, which is fine, its not like I'm crying over it. Although I did like my idea. :) Lots of other things we have enjoyed doing/buying, etc will change. I'm totally ok with it though, if it means we will have a child one day. I have a feeling all of this may affect some friendships, which probably weren't strong to begin with. Our priorities are and will be different than some, which some may not understand. I think out of this we will find out our true friends though. I'm rambling. I never know if I get across what I mean to get across in these things. haha...I shall quit for now.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your comment about true friends really hit me. My best friend and I just had babies about 6 weeks apart and I am over the moon for her. Its her first and my fifth and there have been a lot of moments in between there where I think we were both worried about hurting/worrying the other one. I was disappointed when she didn't tell me she was trying and she has been irritated when I didn't tell her sooner we were pregnant again. I guess my point it that your true friends really do stick around, even when sometimes they don't know what to say.