Tuesday, October 7, 2008


As you noticed I did a little redesign with the blog. I can't take credit for anything but the background and the color choices. The banner was made for me. Credit posted on the side.

I guess its time for me to come clean on our "problem." All I'm really going to say is that we have a known problem in the whole trying to get pregnant process. We go to the fertility specialist (reproductive endocrinologist or RE) soon and will know more then. For now, the only thing we have been told is that IVF or invitro is our only hope for having kids. Which is a bummer because its freakin expensive and not always guarunteed to work the first time. So for now, we have a long road ahead of us. I guess this is my "coming out" to the blog world. We've chosen to be fairly private with the information, just because people are nosey and can and will ask a ton of questions. So far we've only told our parents and a few very very close friends. I'm just not ready to let the whole world (and by whole world I mean the rest of the family and people we know) know. Its nothing we're ashamed of but we also arent shouting it from the rooftops. Right now, since we dont know much, I don't feel comfortable necessarily answering peoples questions either. I would like the support system to be a true support system, not nosey people. Yes I know by posting this anyone can read it and can tell anyone, but I'm ok with it I guess. The few people I know in real life that read it, I trust. I dont know what I'm trying to say here, I hope this makes sense. I'm not saying "Don't go tell people...shhh" I would be stupid to think that people don't talk. I guess I'm warning all the readers (ha...I think I can count on one hand who you are) that this will be stuff I will blog about, mainly as a venting outlet but I will try not to make it strictly infertility blog. Those were not my intentions when I started this blog. So you've been warned...and we are about to board this emotional rollercoaster. :)

Prayers are really what we need...for patience and hope and we'll see what happens. Only God knows...


Stephanie Anderson said...

I had a feeling. I'm all in for the privacy and can't personally "relate" but I have some very good friends who have struggled with infertility issues.

But I can tell you that our pregnancy related problems have often left me with some of the same feelings. I know what it is like to deperately want a baby. I have been there although the situation was somewhat different. When we had our last miscarriage, we were told "No more babies" and although I was probably "ready" for this, it was a little hard for there to be a definitive "No" that wasn't my choice.

So, in saying this, I'm telling you that I am here to listen and offer support. I hope I can be a relative part of this.

I have been praying for your struggles and I will begin to offer more specific prayers for your strength, and most importantly-- a miracle of which I know God is capable.


Kristi said...

I know I'm usually a lurker but. believe me when I tell you, I feel your pain. I'll be praying.

On a lighter note, you've been tagged. Check out my blog for details.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys and want you to know I will also be praying for you. We all have different struggles but understand what it is to want something so desperately but have trouble attaining. I know that you guys prayed for us several different times which was much appreciated. This is a private matter and I hope you don't mind me writing. Silence and prayers are all I have to offer.
