Thursday, October 2, 2008


This work week has really messed with my head. My schedule has gotten all changed around. I go to certain sites different days but my head thinks it the normal day I did go there. So technically in my head yesterday was friday not wednesday. I've also been getting up really early this week. Today was the latest I slept, 6 am. Tomorrow I have to get up at 4 am again. Tuesday on the way to work, I felt that I drove in my sleep. I kinda spaced out on some of it and dont really remember driving through some parts to get where I was going. That is not a good thing at all!!

Next week I'll be off, which I'm excited about. I'll get to see some family that I haven't seen in about 2 yrs. I just hope its a good week.

Today my grandma was supposed to have surgery. Last week they found a malignant tumor in her breast which wasn't there on her last mammogram. She has them every six months because she's already had breast cancer once. So they were going to do the surgery today, but decided not too. Apparently there were some issues with the anesthesia. One of the drugs was making her heart race or something, so they've put the surgery off until she can see a cardiologist. She was supposed to go on the vacation next week but obviously isn't due to all of the medical issues. The good news is that the doctor isn't too concerned about waiting a few weeks on the surgery. She's been very upbeat about everything. I think the only different thing about it this time, is that my grandpa isn't here, but she's taking it all really well.

I must get to bed now...I was actually sleepy at 5 pm. how sad...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i come to ur page like 437895475 a day thinking that ur gonna blog 478945743 i guess! lol when all u are is a phone call away..hehe :) have fun in the obx..i think i've been there a few times myself ;)