Tuesday, August 25, 2009

She's here...

In reverse order: 8/23/09, the day her cord fell off.

At the hospital

Just moments after she was born. :)

I have a 3 wk old and I still haven't posted anything. I wrote out a big long "birth story," but I stink at writing, so I'll summarize for you. You don't really want the details, just the pics, right? :)

-I was induced on Aug 5th
-Already dilated 4 cm, was at my 37 and 38 wk appts
-Started pitocin at 6:30am
-Broke my water at 8:30am, was dilated to 5cm
-Decided I had to have the epidural, it was in by 9:30am, was 6cm
-At 11am, I was just a little shy of fully dilated, (9 3/4? lol), nurse went to help deliver another baby.
-Started pushing at 12, Dr almost didn't make it in time.
-At 1:10pm, Amelia was born
-7lbs, 13 oz, 20 1/4 inches
-She scored 8 and 9 on her apgars
-Lots of dark hair

Overall, labor and delivery was a pretty good experience. I didn't know what to expect, but truthfully, the whole process seemed, well easy. I dont know any better way to explain it than that. Before I laid back down from getting the epidural, I was already smiling again. In between pushing and contractions, Ben and I were joking with the nurse. I was saying how I was ready for lunch and we were all telling stories. Granted, yes it was a workout giving birth, but easier than I expected. Guess I watched too many episodes of those baby shows on TV, where people are in labor for hours and hours.

My recovery wasn't too bad. I was a little sore but didn't end up taking any of the pain meds afterwards. This shocked my OB. She checked on me the next day and called me "One tough momma." :)

I've lost 20lbs since then. I figure I'll gain some of that back. I won't be too upset if I don't. I'm surprisingly ok with my post baby body. Yeah its different but thats ok.

Call me weird but I actually have more self confidence after giving birth. I dont know why, and I'm probably strange, or its the hormones. I doubted if I'd actually be able to do it all, the pushing, dealing with the pain. Yeah, I had the epidural, which I was terrified to get, but it didn't take all the pain away. I had one spot where I could feel every contraction and it sucked, but I did know when to push. I guess, I'm kind of proud of myself. I'd totally do it all over again, preferably not for a long time though. :)

Another post, another time about life at home with a newborn and all that has happened.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm a slacker...

Today marks 37 wks, which means I'm full term. YAY! Now the next few weeks are just extra "baking" time. Had an appointment today, got checked for any possible dilation. Well, hold on to your panties people, I'm 4 cm!! Yeah the dr was about as shocked as I was. She said I was between 3.5 and 4, but shes going with 4. Um, wow! I think I'm still in shock. The bag is now packed minus a few things that I was just gonna throw in last minute-toothbrush, hairbursh, etc.
Funny story: I was talking with a pregnant friend, shes due tomorrow, and was saying how great it would be if you could just go in and they say "Hey you're a 4, lets go to the hospital." I of course said that completely jokingly, because I never thought it would happen. Not to me. So, its kinda weird. Of course, I probably jinxed myself and will be at 4 forever. Or not, we'll see.

In other news, the nursery is done. Minus two things to hang on the wall. They will go up tonight. I need to take pics of it all completely and post them. Plus a belly shot. I haven't done that....I have some, just haven't bothered posting them.

I feel like I have to eat every 2 hrs now. Of course, I pee way more frequently. :) I have a new obsession with eating ice. I can't get enough. I actually had Ben go get me a Route 44 cup last night. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

33 wks

A little late, since on friday I'm 34 wks. Had a good appointment last week. Back with my usual doctor. :) I'm feeling pretty good these days. I feel, well pregnant. I suppose thats good though. She did restrict my driving, which means I'll be home a lot more. I'm ok with it for the most part. I have lots of things that need to be done around the house, other than just baby stuff.

Last night, I dont know what was wrong with me but I was antsy and didn't want to sit down. Nothing on tv, didn't want to sit outside. I really wanted to work on baby room stuff, but it was too late to start anything. I guess thats nesting? Theres only so many times you can go through the clothes and things and organize them. I've decided that we need to clean out the closet and then I'll hang some things up, keep some in drawers. I'm sure I'll totally re-do all of it once I get it where I think I want it. Plus what will work best for us, won't really become apparent til she gets here anyway.

Speaking of her getting here, I'm ready. No, not ready ready but I'm ready to meet her and see what she looks like and to have my own baby to hold in my arms. 6 wks to go!! She is head down and according to ultrasound has some hair. That would explain the indigestion/heartburn from everything.

We had an awesome shower this past sunday!! I was shocked with the clothes and how most people gave us bigger sizes, which was great! Most showers I've been too, people get all newborn or 0-3 month stuff. Its funny when people ask what do we need, I have trouble coming up with an answer. Not because we don't need anything, because there are still many things we need, I'm just not used to telling people directly what we need. I'm weird. LOL! I know there are things we don't need. Like receiving blankets, we have a ton. (Is there some other use for those things that I dont know about?) Of course, telling people what we don't need isn't exactly helpful either. Guess I could tell that we're registered at Target. That works, right?

I've been thinking about labor and delivery a little more recently. Its one of those things, you hear from others their experiences and things, and of course yours could or could not be different. I guess in a way, I'm a little nervous about it, but I think its just more "fear of the unknown" kinda thing. With Ben's job being so far away, I have to think of who I'd call if I needed to get to the hospital. I keep thinking, it'll happen on a day when no one is answering their phone. haha. Of course, the hospital is only 20 mins or so from here, so its not like I couldn't drive myself. Of course, I could go over and have to be scheduled for induction. So who knows. Birthing class is in 2 wks. I'm sure we'll both learn many things.

For all you moms out there, when did you pack your hospital bag? and what did you put in it??Any help would be great!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

31 weeks

Today I had my 31 week appointment. It ended up being with another doctor, which initially I was fine with, but afterwards I didn't feel so great. Some of my concerns I voiced, figured most if not all was normal, but the whole time (which was maybe 10 mins) I felt like I was being pushed out the door. Since the last appointment, I've had some dizziness. Its happened just when I'm sitting down, not actually doing anything. Also, sometimes I've found my heart will just start racing and I have to catch my breath. I've had a headache everyday this week, just a dull one, nothing major but they don't seem to go away. Yesterday was the day that really got me. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I'm incredibly tired. I've been having the braxton-hicks contractions, but yesterday I think they were real. They hurt and I actually had to stop for a minute and wait. Luckily, they were very random and only happened a few times but it kinda worried me a little.
Basically, she said the dizziness/headache stuff is probably all just sinus/allergy. Suggested meds to take for that. The rest, basically if it doesn't get worse I'm ok. I'll be glad to have my normal dr back for the next appointment.
My blood pressure was still normal. I'm only up 3lbs from last appt, so total weight gain 11 lbs I think. I haven't really been too concerned with it, nor has my dr. The one today, brought it up first thing. Thought it was weird, but whatever.
I'm hormonal, stressed and tired. Exhausted.

I feel like all I've done is complained. sorry I dont mean for it to sound that way, I'm not complaining, just sharing. :) The nursery is almost complete. We got a dresser in Monday and its almost put together. Then I'll have pics of everything!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I didn't put up the pics yet, but really all my readers have probably seen everything on my facebook anyway.

Ben got the job. Its 2 1/2 hrs away.
Our daycare that we had lined up is no more.
So we have to find someone to keep her til a daycare opens since some days we'll both need to leave by 5 am and no one opens that early. OR we find someone to keep her that early either in our house or theirs. We have nothing in the works. He doesn't get home til 6:30 and some nights I've gotten home as late as 8. Those are the days that I usually leave around 5.

Needless to say I'm stressed out and hormonal...not a good mix. The crying for no reason and can't stop has pretty much started. Which sucks.

I dont know where to go from here but she's coming in about 10 wks and we've got nothing...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

28 wks 5 days

Yes, things are moving quickly, atleast I think so.
Last week I had my glucose test, 4D ultrasound and regular check-up.
Things are looking good:
BP-110/65-I think my blood pressure is actually lower when I'm pregnant! haha
Weight: I'm only up 8 lbs so far. I'm sure I'll gain a ton now that I'm in the last trimester. Last trimester, thats crazy to think I'm here already!!
Amelia according to the ultrasound weighed 2lbs 11 oz and is measuring a week ahead.
Glucose test: passed! :) I have to say the drink wasn't too awful. I didn't get the orange, lemon lime instead. It just tasted like funky sprite.
Also, a bonus that day, I had a dentist appointment. No cavities!

The ultrasound was really cool. We got a CD with pictures, VHS (can't even play that in our own house!) and printed color and black and white pictures. She had her foot in front of her head! Craziest thing ever!! I was just really glad she wasn't face down.

We also have her room painted, crib assembled, bedding out (still no matress). Our glider now has a chocolate brown slip cover which looks great!!

Pictures later tonight, but I gotta get ready for work now.

On a side note, anyone update their blogger from iphone? I had an app that I tried but had no luck. Suggestions?

AND hopefully friday we'll hopefully find out if Ben got a new job!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I apolgize...

for my improper use of there, they're and their.

That is one of my biggest pet peeves and yet I noticed I did it wrong. I blame it on excessive texting.


Baby's room possibilites.

Here's the bedding I have ordered.

Here's the crib. None of the furniture will be matchy matchy. We're using a dresser I've had since I was little for storage and as a changing table. We'll have a small bookcase given to us by my grandparents and then possibly the glider from my aunt. If not that one, we'll buy one thats cherry, so it'll kinda match the crib. Part of me wants the furniture to match but I've decided that 1)Amelia doesn't care and won't for a while, 2) theres no way we could paint all of it to match the cherry crib (the crib is new and will not be painted). I had originally thought we'd paint the dresser a chocolate brown but after holding up a piece of the crib next to the dresser, really nothing will match. So we'll have the mismatched furniture nursery. I've looked at too many pictures of what I call "put together nuseries," so in my head thats what I want. But I'm accepting it and getting over it...lol.
My main issue is deciding on wall color. Currently its a yellowy gold color, so it definitely needs to be painted. I had first thought a neutral tanish color because I didn't want bubble gum pink walls. BUT I went and looked at paint samples and saw some really cute light pinks that could work. I call them neutral pinks...I think I created that term. I just mean that they're so light, there pink but not "Oh my gosh, thats a pink room." Then I had the suggestion of a light green too...which I like as well. SO......what do you guys think I should do?? The room is kinda small too, if that matters. The trim, closet doors, and baseboards are all a cream color.
I saw one room where they used three different shades of yellow and painted the darkest on bottom, then lighter and then lightest on top for the room. I thought that could look cute in pink, maybe. Someone suggested maybe doing pink, then doing horizontal strips with a clear coat over what you've already done. I'm majorly indecisive, can't you tell??
Since the bedding has cherry like blossoms on it, I had seen on etsy the wall decals. Thought maybe a tree one would be cute, depending on how expensive they are of course.

Those are my painted drawer pulls. I had intentions of using them on the dresser just to update the hardware, since they don't make any in the size we need. But I may use them for something else and just leave the hardward thats there. The darker pink isnt as neon in real life, its just my camera phone.

Suggestions, ideas, anything?


Just a quick run down of whats going on lately...

-Baby is doing great. Kicking like crazy. I have actually seen my stomach move. Thats really cool and kinda creepy at the same time.
At my last appointment, I was only up either 1/2 a pound or a whole pound. My blood pressure must have been fine because they didn't even tell me what it was or the baby's heartbeat. It honestly felt like the shortest appointment ever. I even had several questions for the doc. We're signed up for the childbirth class. Nursery progress is....well there is none. We have the room mostly cleaned out, I just can't decide on a paint color. I have the bedding ordered and have even painted a few things to go in the room, but I just can't commit to the wall color. Someone should just decide for me. please :) I'll make a separate post of what the bedding is and stuff and maybe you decorator people can help.

-I did get an iPhone. For free :). Now I must explain how, which is something I actually never blogged about. WAY back in March, Ben and I went to Cleveland for me to receive a national award from my company. Basically, throughout the year, my company has a reward system where you can get nominated by other co-workers from any level in the company for doing things above and beyond your job duties. They have three levels-bronze, silver, gold. At the end of the year, they take all the people in your region that have won silver and gold and the managers nominate who they think should win. So I was originally nominated by two managers, both from other states for traveling to do some extra work last year. Short story here-I got picked for my region/area. They usually have a big national company meeting where every person who wins and all the management come out for several days to do whatever. This year, they separated it by region. So we flew to Cleveland, met lots of people, including the CEO of the company and had a fancy dinner and got my award. I got a little trophy, some money and 50,000 american express reward points. One of my options for my reward points was a gift card for an iphone. And thats how I got the iphone. Wow I talk to too much. lol
I've only had the phone about 2 weeks. I like it, still figuring out apps that I want. Suggestions?

-Crappy news last wednesday. Ben got laid off from his job. Unfortunately, I found out while I was at work. Which sucked cuz I'm emotional even when I'm not pregnant and the hormones. WOW...can we say cry instantly now. I think I'm pretty much past the crying stage and the angry stage. Just so many things were and have been running through my head. Like: well there goes our insurance. Where is our child going to sleep? We have no place for her to sleep. Yes we have a crib but no matress. No diapers. Nothing to bring her home in from the hospital. *sigh* Yes I've gathered myself and gotten over that freakout moment. Atleast for now. If he still doesn't have a job closer to when she gets here and we still haven't bought all those things, freak out again. I'm sure. Well I'll probably have it again even if all those things are in place. I think thats just normal. I did get the benefits worked out through my work. The baby stuff will just have to be figured out as we go and budgeted. Thats life. I'm trying not to stress and think about it too much. Its hard but I'm hopeful he'll find something new soon. We're not the only ones in this situation and I gotta remember that too.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Evil Stores...

Kohls' is evil. They put the very very small selection of maternity clothes RIGHT next to all the cute baby stuff. So I ended up with nothing for myself and I think around 5 or 6 outfits for the baby. I did only spend $30 so that makes it ok and she has to have clothes. :)

These stores know what they're doing...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have 3 sticks of butter in my belly!

Haha! Before any of you think I've gone and had a weird craving for butter (eww), that is how much my baby weighs as of saturday. 12 oz or 3 sticks of butter. On saturday, a good friend/former co-worker offered to do a little free look and we got some much better ultrasound pictures of little Amelia. The night before, I had a dream that she wasn't a she! Instead she was a he! But she's definitely still a she! One great shot we got was of our sweet little innocent daughter flipping us off! Yep, she was. Atleast that's what it looked like! Haha!! Then the next 5 mins of video is of me laughing, looks like there's an earthquake going on my belly.

I have to say the coolest part of being pregnant, is feeling the baby move. Its a very weird feeling, like gas bubbles. I've been feeling her for a while, started when I was about 18 wks. It was very very random then. Now its a little more frequent. If I drink two diet cokes in one day, she's really hyper. I usualy feel the most movement when I'm going to bed, but I feel now just randomly through the day. Hopefully ben can feel it soon, so far not, but I think he will soon. That will bring about a whole other post on people touching the belly. I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat for that one!

I must get back to work! This is my first post from my phone, so I apologize if it looks funny or anything.
Also, you iphone users (steph and who ever else) tell me what you think! Yay or nay?! I'm considering getting one!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Its a....


Yep, we're going to have a daughter! :) She is measuring right on track. She weighs all of 10 oz, which the tech said is actually 2 oz ahead of where she should be. She looks perfect! A little stubborn though. Her head was way down and the tech needed her to move. She tried to get her to move, didn't work. So we may have a stubborn little girl on our hands. :)

I'll post our pics later, once I get them scanned. Also, since we had a pretty good idea it was a girl last week, I returned some pants to Kohl's and ended up getting some really adorable onsies. I'll show those off too! :)

Her name: Amelia Jordan

This is starting to feel real. I like it! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just a few things....

Some "perks" of working in my field are getting a sneak peek at my baby without going to the doctor. I dont abuse it or anything, but I was getting really impatient with only having seeing our child as a blob. So this past week I got to see what he or she looked like. A baby! Imagine that! A real baby, with a head, spine, arms, legs, hands and feet. Even a beating heart (didn't doubt that since I've heard it). It was cool. I even have it on video!! :) Next week is the big ultrasound to mearsure the baby and hopefully find out the sex. Of course, in my sneak peek, we did see if we could see anything down there. I'm not gonna reveal what we saw or didn't see just yet. You will all have to wait til next friday! :) And if you know, don't tell! :) We do have names picked out for either sex. Official word in a week or so what we're having!! YAY!

Well my just a few things, is just one.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Celine Dion Concert Pics

They're totally backwards as far as order but I'm too tired to change it...sorry. you'll still get the idea.
Its been almost a month since I've said anything, I apologize. I've had many days where I've had ideas of stuff to post but I just haven't. I'll give you a brief summary of the highlights over the last month.

We survived the ice storm. The first night without power, we just stayed here and cuddled for warmth. The dogs suprisingly put off alot of heat, so it was toasty warm. We got up though and it was pretty cold in the house. The second day we went to my parents where they had a gas heater and gas grill. Ended up staying the night. Grilled pizza's, chili, lots of things. My dad even made coffee on the grill. haha. The next day, Thursday, we went by the house late that night to get some extra stuff for staying at my parents and the power was on! I was freaking out!! Turned on every light just because I could! So we ended up staying at our house that night. We were very lucky to get power that quickly! I know lots of people that went alot longer.

The next week was the Celine Dion concert!! Couldn't find anyone to take my extra ticket, won't get into that..ugh! Our seats were AWESOME!!! The concert was in the round and had catwalks off to the side. There was ONE row of seats between us and the stage. We could touch her! Take as many pics as we wanted! It was awesome!! Can I emphasize that anymore?!?! The whole concert was great! The next day Lindsey and I went ice skating. That was fun. I held on to the rail and only went around once. But it was still fun. Lindsey did really well. She was skating around not even holding on to anything. Overall, we had a great time and I would totally see Celine in concert again! I'll post pics soon.

I also had another dr's appt. Heartbeat was 152. I'm only up 2 lbs from before I was pregnant. Yay! And my blood pressure is actually lower than before I was pregnant. Nothing really big at the appointment. Heard the heartbeat, chit-chatted with the dr, asked questions. We did get to schedule the big ultrasound!! YAY! It will be March 20th. I'm counting down the days. Hopefully Baby W will cooperate so we can find out if we're having a boy or girl. We do have names picked out for both. We're going shopping the day after the ultrasound. Mainly to see what nursery furniture we like, then we're coming back and ordering it online. I'm sure I'll be buying a few outfits too!

Ok, I think thats its...celine pics next!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


OK-so I've had tickets to see Celine Dion in St. Louis for a while. I have an extra one and need someone to go. The ticket is free. Great seats. Concert is Feb 4th @ 8pm at the Scottrade Center. Or you are free to ride with Lindsey and I there. We have a hotel room for that night, which if you rode w/us, you'd be welcome to stay in, for free as well. Basically, this whole thing is free to you, except meals. Unless of course you drove yourself, etc. SO...who wants to go?? Someone, please!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

i'm bad..

So I've kinda avoided my blog, only because I've been really tired and really busy. Plus, lack of things to write about. I'll sum it up for you though.

Work has finally picked back up, hence the tired and busy parts. The last 3 wks have involved 12 hr days, which the bank account doesn't mind of course. But me, well those long days are rough when you have to get up at 4 am the next day. I'm very grateful for it picking up, I can definitely deal with it for a while. :)

Last week, I had my first appointment with my regular OB. She was so excited for us. It kind of freaked me out at first. Most doctors seem like they care but not as much as she did. It was genuine too. Which was very nice. I've always been happy since switching to this doctor and now I'm really happy I did. The appointment was pretty short. I got free stuff-reading material and some other things. The best part was hearing the baby's heartbeat. The nurse couldn't find it right away but when she did, very cool to hear!! The heartbeat was 168! The funniest part was at checkout, where you get to go start paying for the baby. LOL! I told the insurance lady that this was the "Yay you're having a baby, now you have to pay for it."

Nothing else really going on. Hopefully I'll update more often now.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


So wednesday we went and I had an ultrasound to see our little one. Heartbeat was 146 and baby measured 7wk and 4days. The doctor said my due date is Aug 14, 2009. Of course that could change over time but thats the estimate. There wasn't alot to see on the pictures sinces the baby is so small (about 1/2 inch) but it was still cool. Got to see the heartbeat but not hear it. So I'll defintely be anxious to hear it next time. I think we got the crap ultrasound machine that day. I have to say seeing those images was a great end to 2008.

This was the first year in a long time that we didn't do anything for new years. We had supper with relatives and then went home and watched some movies. Ok, Ben watched, I fell asleep. Thursday we finally took down all the Christmas stuff, so now the house is back to normal.
Now I'll leave you with pictures of our baby!